Soothing Cravings With Curiosity

This extended Reiki Infused Urge Surfing Meditation is meant to help you with particularly challenging cravings. Whether you struggle with smoking, substance abuse, sugar cravings, phone addiction, etc., this meditation, and the Distance Reiki within, will help you delay reaching for said item and help you kick that unwanted habit for good.

Research shows that you can drastically decrease your cravings over 7 days by repeatedly using a Mindfulness Intervention called “Surfing the Urge,” where you sit with their discomfort and get curious. Check out the handouts below for more information and try the worksheets for additional support.


Note that the Distance Reiki in this meditation is for those who are open, willing, and capable of receiving it.

Stay Awesome,


Meditation, Mindfulness, and Reiki are all wonderful tools to help calm the mind, bring attention and awareness to the things that are important to us, and help us release what no longer serves us. However, this awareness of self can result in emotional release, the reliving of experiences (both positive and negative), and can open the door to past emotions and experiences that have yet to be processed properly. For this reason, it is recommended that if you find yourself overwhelmed by painful emotions, thoughts, or past experiences, please pause or stop the meditation. Allow yourself to sit with this discomfort for a few minutes, reminding yourself that you are safe in the present moment, and that this discomfort will inevitably subside. If, however, your discomfort does not wane and other self-soothing activities, do not help, then I advise working with a qualified professional, therapist, or counsellor, to properly assist you with your healing, if you do not already do so.

Furthermore, if you are aware of past trauma that may bubble up during this meditation, I advise that you first seek treatment and alternative healing with a qualified professional, doctor, therapist, or counsellor, before engaging in this meditation.

Lastly, Reiki Energy has amazing healing properties, however, because it also has the power of life and growth, it can be harmful to those with cancer or tumors. For this reason, DO NOT listen to this meditation if you have been diagnosed with cancer or have a tumor. Reiki Energy Healing can still be effective for healing such illnesses and is highly effective for alleviating side effects from chemotherapy and radiation. BUT it is best to work with a knowledgeable and fully certified Reiki Master so they may customize the healing as required. By continuing to listen to this meditation, you acknowledge that you are aware of the risks, that you are responsible for your own mental and physical health, and that Hummingbird Nation Wellness and Ashley Darch are not responsible for any potential negative experiences that you might have during this meditation.


This meditation was written and performed by Ashley Darch, © Ashley Darch Copyright 2024.

Background music licensed from Healing Meditation Music, "Meditation Spirit of the Ocean Flow."


McGonigal K, Chapter 9 Don’t Read This Chapter: The Limits of “I Won’t” Power. In: The Willpower Instinct: How Self-Control Works, Why It Matters, and What You Can Do to Get More of It. Penguin Group (USA )LLC; 2013:229-233.

Bowen, S., A. Marlatt. Surfing the urge: brief mindfulness-based intervention for college student smokers. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors.2009; 23: 666-671.


Connecting to Gratitude