Spiritual Coaching

“Whatever you give out in life is what you receive back in life.”

—Rhonda Byrne


What is Spiritual Coaching?

Spiritual Coaching involves solving your problems, healing your past, and achieving your goals by looking at and healing your life from a more spiritual lens. How you see and experience the world matters, and there are many religious and spiritual philosophies that can facilitate the changes and achievements that you are looking for in your life. My job is to ensure that those beliefs are respected and utilized to ensure lasting and meaningful change in your life.

In order for Spiritual Healing to be successful, there are a few fundamental beliefs that are required. New Age Spiritual beliefs and practices complement Positive Psychology particularly well, however, as long as you believe in a few fundamentals, my Spiritual Coaching services could be a good option for you. Such beliefs include: the belief in a Soul, a Higher Power that guides you and protects you in life, an Afterlife and/or evaluation of the Soul after death, an Afterlife and/or Evaluation of the Soul After Death, that your actions and beliefs about yourself, others, and the World matter and have a spiritual impact on you and other, and that Positive and Negative Energies (Good/Evil) exist in various ways.

Spiritual Coaching also ties in nicely with Energy Attunements and Holistic Healing Sessions. Click HERE to learn more about Energy Attunements.


* Disclaimer - I am not a medical doctor, licensed counsellor, or therapist. The coaching described above is meant to complement conventional medicine so that you can live the happy, healthy, and fulfilling life you desire.